Solutions to help you incorporate ESG into your client portfolios
Our solutions cover a broad range of approaches that can be used to incorporate ESG considerations into the investment process from ESG integration, positive and negative screening, and thematic investing.
Learn about the role of responsible investment in portfolio management and the opportunity it presents for your clients.
Explore our investment solutions
Responsible investment is an umbrella term used to describe the broad range of approaches that can be used to incorporate ESG considerations into the investment process. There are two key investment strategies to consider:
ESG integration
Considers the intangibles of a company’s practices, such as strong employee management,
board diversity or resource management in order to manage investment risk and uncover opportunities.
Socially responsible investing (SRI)
Includes or excludes companies based on a specific set of ESG criteria.
This could mean excluding companies involved in fossil fuels or including companies with good gender diversity practices.
Our commitment to ESG integration
Our investment teams integrate material ESG factors into their investment decisions for applicable types of investments.1
ESG is not about excluding companies, it is a way of assessing them by factors other than their financial performance.
Our commitment to SRI
Socially responsible investments are for individuals who want to consider sustainability and social responsibility when making their investment decisions.
For these investors, RBC GAM supports positive and negative screening strategies, as well as thematic investing. Both enable investors to incorporate their concerns into their investment portfolios while not sacrificing performance.
Positive screening includes companies based on attractive or industry-leading ESG practices. Negative screening typically excludes companies with business activities socially responsible investors may wish to avoid, or companies exposed to ESG controversies.
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Educational and planning resources
Client conversation guide
This document will help you define your own approach to adding responsible investment to your practice, and help you structure related client conversations.
What is responsible investment?
This video and article define responsible investment and summarize the different approaches that investors can take to incorporate the strategy into their portfolios.
The ABCs of ESG
This article outlines the different factors that make up ESG and explains how they can provide insight into the risks and value a company presents.