RBC Vision Women's Leadership MSCI Canada Index ETF
Investment objectives
Trading information
- Ticker: {{ ticker }}
- CUSIP: {{ fundCUSIP }}
- Exchange: {{ fundExchange }}
- Currency options: CAD
Reasons to invest
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- Low
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- Med to high
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This information has been compiled by RBC GAM from sources believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, express or implied, are made by RBC GAM, its affiliates or any other person as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. All opinions and estimates constitute RBC GAM's judgment as of the date of this document, are subject to change without notice and are provided in good faith but without legal responsibility.
Graphs are only used to illustrate the effects of the compound growth rate and do not reflect future values of any fund or returns on investment of any fund.
Growth of $10K chart shown represents a hypothetical investment of the Fund over the last 10 years, or from the last day of the since inception month for funds with less than 10 years performance history.
The Top Ten/25 Holdings may change due to ongoing portfolio transactions within the fund.
MER (%) is based on actual expenses reported in the fund's most recent Semi-Annual or Annual Management Report of Fund Performance. expressed on an annualized basis.
At least once each year, the Fund will distribute all net taxable income to investors. These distributions will either be paid in cash or reinvested in the Fund, as may be determined by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited from time to time. These distributions will consist primarily of distributions received from the securities held within the Fund less Fund expenses, plus any realized capital gains generated from securities transactions within the Fund.
The amounts of past distributions are shown in the distributions section above. The characterization of distributions for tax purposes (such as dividends, other income, capital gains etc.) for each period will be reported only after the Fund's tax year end. Therefore, the above table showing the tax characteristics will be updated only once each tax year. For tax purposes, these amounts will be reported by brokers on official tax statements.
RQL, RQN, RQO, RQP, RQQ, RQR, and RQS (“Canadian TMCBs”) have been developed solely by RBC GAM. The Canadian TMCBs are not in any way connected to or sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by the London Stock Exchange Group plc and its group undertakings (collectively, the “LSE Group”). FTSE Russell is a trading name of certain of the LSE Group companies.
All rights in the FTSE Canada 2024 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada 2025 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada 2026 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada 2027 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada 2028 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, FTSE Canada 2029 Maturity Corporate Bond Index, and FTSE Canada 2030 Maturity Corporate Bond Index (collectively, the “FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices”) vest in the relevant LSE Group company which owns the FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices. “FTSE®” is a trade mark of the relevant LSE Group company and is used by any other LSE Group company under license.
The FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices are calculated by or on behalf of FTSE Global Debt Capital Markets Inc. or its affiliate, agent or partner. The LSE Group does not accept any liability whatsoever to any person arising out of (a) the use of, reliance on or any error in the FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices or (b) investment in or operation of the Canadian TMCBs. The LSE Group makes no claim, prediction, warranty or representation either as to the results to be obtained from the Canadian TMCBs or the suitability of the FTSE Maturity Corporate Bond Indices for the purpose to which they are being put by RBC GAM.
Solactive Canada Bank Yield Index, Solactive U.S. Banks Yield Index and Solactive U.S. Banks Yield (CAD Hedged) Index are calculated and published by Solactive AG. RBNK, RUBY, RUBY.U, RUBH referred to herein are not sponsored, promoted, sold or supported by Solactive AG. Solactive AG does not offer any express or implicit guarantee or assurance regarding the results to be obtained from the use of the index or index price nor does Solactive AG make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the ETF.