MSCI ESG Fund Rating (AAA-CCC)
The MSCI ESG Rating is calculated as a direct mapping of ESG Quality Scores to letter rating categories (e.g. AAA = 8.6-10). The ESG Ratings range from leader (AAA, AA), average (A, BBB, BB) to laggard (B, CCC). For further details regarding MSCI's methodology, see footnote 1 at the bottom of the page.
MSCI ESG Quality Score - Peer Percentile
The fund’s ESG percentile compared to its Lipper peer group.
Fund Lipper Global Classification
The fund peer group as defined by the Lipper Global Classification.
Funds in Peer Group
The number of funds from the relevant Lipper Global Classification peer group that are also in ESG coverage.
MSCI ESG Quality Score (0-10)
The MSCI ESG Quality Score (0 - 10) for funds is calculated using the weighted average of the ESG scores of fund holdings. The Score also considers ESG Rating trend of holdings and the fund exposure to holdings in the laggard category. MSCI rates underlying holdings according to their exposure to industry specific ESG risks and their ability to manage those risks relative to peers. For further details regarding MSCI's methodology, see footnote 1 at the bottom of the page.
MSCI ESG % Coverage
Percentage of a fund's holdings that have MSCI ESG ratings data. For further details regarding MSCI’s methodology, see footnote 1 at the bottom of the page.
MSCI Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (Tons CO2E/$M SALES)
The MSCI Weighted Average Carbon Intensity measures a fund's exposure to carbon intensive companies. This figure represents the estimated greenhouse gas emissions per $1 million in sales across the fund’s holdings. This allows for comparisons between funds of different sizes. For further details regarding MSCI's methodology, see footnote 2 at the bottom of the page.
Please refer to the Disclosure section below to review the MSCI methodology behind Sustainability Characteristics.
MSCI - Controversial Weapons
Percentage sum of issuers within the fund that have been identified by MSCI ESG Research as having controversial weapons involvement including cluster munitions, landmines, depleted uranium weapons, biological/chemical weapons, blinding lasers, non-detectable fragments and incendiary weapons. For further details regarding MSCI's methodology, see footnote 4 at the bottom of the page.
MSCI - Nuclear Weapons
Percentage sum of issuers within the fund that have been identified by MSCI ESG research as manufacturing nuclear weapons, including nuclear warheads, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and ballistic missile submarines, which are capable of the delivery of nuclear warheads. For further details regarding MSCI's methodology, see footnote 4 at the bottom of the page.
MSCI - Civilian Firearms
Percentage sum of issuers within the fund that have been identified as producing firearms and small arms ammunitions for civilian markets. For further details regarding MSCI's methodology, see footnote 4 at the bottom of the page.
MSCI - Tobacco
Percentage sum of issuers within the fund that have been identified by MSCI ESG Research as producing tobacco products. For further details regarding MSCI’s methodology, see footnote 4 at the bottom of the page.
MSCI - UN Global Compact Violators
Percentage sum of issuers within the fund that have been identified by MSCI ESG Research as failing to comply with the United Nations Global Compact Principles. For further details regarding MSCI’s methodology, see footnote 5 at the bottom of the page.
MSCI - Thermal Coal
Percentage sum of issuers within the fund that have been identified by MSCI ESG Research as earning >5% of total revenue from thermal coal mining. For further details regarding MSCI's methodology, see footnote 4 at the bottom of the page.
MSCI - Oil Sands
Percentage sum of issuers within the fund that have been identified by MSCI ESG Research as earning >5% of total revenue from oil sands extraction. For further details regarding MSCI's methodology, see footnote 4 at the bottom of the page.
Business Involvement Coverage
Percentage of a fund's holdings that have MSCI business involvement data. For further details regarding MSCI’s methodology, see footnote 3 at the bottom of the page.
Percentage of Fund not covered
Percentage of fund's holdings that do not have business involvement data.
Please refer to the Disclosure section below to review the MSCI methodology behind the Business Involvement Screens.