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Find all things ETFs here: investment strategies, products, insights and more.

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RBC iShares ETFs are comprised of RBC ETFs managed by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and iShares ETFs managed by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited ("BlackRock Canada").

On their own, dividend ETFs provide investors with exposure to the growth and income potential of a diversified mix of dividend-paying companies. By incorporating a covered call strategy, investors can earn even more income – which in turn can also mitigate downside risk.

The goal of RBC Dividend Covered Call ETFs: provide investors with long-term capital growth and an attractive income stream from both dividends and capital gains.

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Enhance income

Can help boost income relative to a dividend-only approach.

Mitigate downside risk

Can help provide downside protection during market declines.


Can reduce taxes on investments as the earnings from covered calls are generally taxed as capital gains.

Explore dividend covered call ETFs

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Explore dividend covered call ETFs

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How can we help?

RBC iShares offers an unparalleled breadth of ETF solutions, a commitment to exceptional service and top investment expertise located around the world.

Advisors: Contact your dedicated sales team and access portfolio resources – Login here.

Investors: Contact your financial advisor to discuss which investments may be right for you.


RBC iShares ETFs are comprised of RBC ETFs managed by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and iShares ETFs managed by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investing in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Please read the relevant prospectus before investing. ETFs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Tax, investment and all other decisions should be made, as appropriate, only with guidance from a qualified professional.

The information and opinions herein are provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as the basis for your investment decisions.

The links in the footer under the heading “Investor Information” below relate to RBC Global Asset Management Inc. For information about BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited and its affiliates, please visit www.blackrock.com/ca.

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