{{r.fundCode}} {{r.fundName}} {{r.series}} {{r.assetClass}}

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RBC Global Choices Portfolios bring you a diversified combination of funds, carefully selected from leading investment management firms. Individually, each fund offers a unique perspective. Together, they offer a world of investment choices: different strategies, different countries, different types of investments and more.

Canada is a great place to invest, but looking beyond our borders dramatically expands the number of opportunities available to you which ultimately improves diversification. By diversifying globally, your portfolio can deliver a return in line with the equity markets of many countries. With frequent rebalancing, it is also positioned to do so with lower risk. This can mean a smoother ride in tough markets.

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Are you making the most of what the world has to offer?

Diversification is the idea of spreading risk among a mix of investments. This can help limit the impact you’ll see during market swings. The challenge is how to diversify effectively. Here are 3 ways we address this in RBC Global Choices Portfolios.

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  1. 1. Asset class diversification

    Different types of investments behave differently. While some may perform well one year, others may not. Combining them helps provide balance for long-term investors.

  2. 2. Sector diversification

    Some markets, like Canada, are rich in natural resources. Others might provide a larger exposure to healthcare, technology or other sectors. Going global welcomes growth from a variety of regions across a broad range of sectors.

  3. 3. Investment manager diversification

    Investors benefit from a complementary selection of investment managers from different firms who specialize in a wide array of investment markets. Bringing their perspectives together in a single solution contributes to portfolio resiliency.

Canadians who only invest at home face concentration risk due to less diversification. The Canadian stock market is heavily dominated by financial companies and those in more cyclical sectors like Energy and Materials. To counter this, investors can look abroad to achieve greater sector diversification.
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Source: S&P Global and MSCI, as of August 31, 2023. For illustrative purposes only, Canada sectors represented by S&P/TSX and World sectors represented by MSCI World Index.

Building RBC Global Choices Portfolios

Our four-step investment process:

  1. Fund selection & portfolio design: We apply a rigorous review process to bring together funds from leading Canadian investment firms in a well-diversified portfolio.

  2. Active asset allocation: Our RBC Investment Policy Committee adjusts your portfolio as market conditions change. This helps keep your portfolio well positioned over both the short and long term.

  3. Monitoring and rebalancing: Our experienced investment team regularly monitors and rebalances your portfolio to ensure it stays aligned with your investment goals.

  4. Ongoing due diligence: The RBC Mutual Fund Research Group provides ongoing oversight on the underlying funds. This is to ensure they continue to fulfill their purpose within your portfolio.
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What type of global investor are you?

RBC Global Choices Portfolios are available in five unique investor profiles designed to align with your investment goals and tolerance for risk.
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To learn more about RBC Global Choices Portfolios, speak to an advisor


Please consult with your advisor and read the prospectus or Fund Facts document before investing. There may be commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses associated with mutual fund investments. Mutual funds are not guaranteed; their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. RBC Funds, PH&N Funds and BlueBay Funds are offered by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and distributed through authorized dealers.