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We recognize that clients across our individual and institutional investor channels may choose the same responsible investment solution for different reasons. For instance, the RBC Vision Funds may be appropriate for an investor because it aligns with their personal or organizational values, while another may choose it because they believe issuers meeting the screening criteria will outperform on a risk-adjusted returns basis.
The RBC Vision Funds incorporate ESG factors as part of their fundamental investment objectives. To do so, the RBC Vision Funds apply an ESG exclusionary screening strategy based on a defined set of ESG-related criteria, generally stemming from a certain principle or set of values. Please refer to the relevant prospectus for more information.

ESG Screening and Exclusion

Applying positive or negative screens to include or exclude assets from the investment universe.

There are two categories of RBC Vision Funds.

1. Core funds apply an ESG exclusionary screen to exclude issuers from the investment universe, stemming from a certain principle or set of values. A sample of the high-level themes that may be used to exclude an issuer from investment are provided below. This is not intended to be a full list of exclusion criteria. Please refer to the relevant prospectus for more information.

Adult entertainment






2. Fossil fuel free funds apply an ESG exclusionary screen in order to exclude issuers involved in extracting, processing, and transporting fossil fuels. A sample of the high-level themes that may be used to exclude an issuer from investment are provided below. This is not intended to be a full list of the exclusion criteria. Please refer to the relevant prospectus for more information.

Oil & Gas

Thermal Coal

RBC Vision Funds: Investment principles

The RBC Vision Funds' investment principles summarize the screening criteria used to assess specific ESG-related characteristics of issuers. Issuers that do not meet the screening criteria may be placed on an exclusion list, which is a list of companies whose securities cannot be held in the RBC Vision Funds.1

1 An RBC Vision Fund may from time to time depart from its exclusion list(s) when RBC GAM has determined that it would be in the best interest of the fund to do so, such as when RBC GAM has identified inaccuracies in the data, or incomplete data due to more recent developments or events, used to produce the exclusion lists.

To learn more about RBC Vision™ Funds, speak to an advisor.

This webpage and embedded links include information related to RBC GAM’s approach to responsible investment, which does not apply to certain funds, investment strategies, asset classes, exposure or security types that do not integrate ESG factors. Examples of what would not integrate ESG factors include, but are not limited to, money market, buy and maintain, passive, and certain third-party sub-advised funds/strategies or certain currency or derivative instruments. ESG factors are considered by our investment teams to varying degrees and weights, depending on the investment team’s assessment of that ESG factor’s potential impact on the risk-adjusted, long-term performance of the security and/or the fund. For funds where ESG factors do not form a part of their investment objective, ESG factors are generally not likely to drive investment decisions on their own, and in some cases, may not impact an investment decision at all. RBC GAM has a general approach to active stewardship, proxy voting, and engagement that addresses ESG matters among other matters. References to active stewardship do not apply to certain investment strategies where proxy voting and/or engagement are not used. Examples of what would not conduct certain active stewardship activities include, but are not limited to, quantitative investment strategies that do not conduct engagements, passive, and certain third-party sub-advised strategies. RBC GAM does not manage proxy voting for certain third-party sub-advised strategies. For clarity, RBC Indigo Asset Management Inc. and its fund products are not covered by the information presented on this webpage, unless otherwise indicated.


Please consult your advisor and read the relevant prospectus or Fund Facts document before investing. There may be commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses associated with mutual fund investments and ETFs. Mutual funds and ETFs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. RBC Funds, BlueBay Funds and PH&N Funds are offered by RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and distributed through authorized dealers. ETF units are bought and sold at market price on a stock exchange and brokerage commissions will reduce returns. RBC ETFs do not seek to return any predetermined amount at maturity. Index returns do not represent RBC ETF returns. RBC ETFs are managed by RBC Global Asset Management Inc., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada.

The RBC ETF referred to herein is not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by MSCI Inc., and MSCI Inc. bears no liability with respect to the RBC ETF or any index on which the RBC ETF is based. RBC Global Asset Management Inc. licenses the use of the MSCI index and is not affiliated with MSCI Inc. The RBC ETF’s prospectus contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI Inc. has with RBC Global Asset Management Inc. and the RBC ETF.

® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. © RBC Global Asset Management Inc. 2024