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Our global footprint

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Eric Lascelles
Chief Economist
RBC Global Asset Management Inc.

Eric Lascelles:
To me the advantage of being truly a global firm, particularly from an investing perspective is that we can add investing elements that other firms simply cannot, be it small cap equities or a global equities sleeve or some of the emerging market solutions that exist as well, having truly sophisticated people on the ground in the countries where these things happen, understanding those markets very well and that’s a huge plus that doesn’t exist elsewhere.

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Donald Sanya
Head of U.S. Institutional Sales,
RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc.

Donald Sanya:
But when you have a global organization that, there's a lot of information flow and a collaborative culture across the different regions and geographies as well as the different asset classes, then, ultimately, you end up making better investment decisions.

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Scott Lysakowski
Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager, Head of Canadian Equities,
Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management

Scott Lysakowski:
Being able to access information from a wide variety of sources is a huge advantage for us. To be able to tap into all of our global investment teams provides us an even broader depth of knowledge of all the complex dynamics that are taking place in financial markets, which will give us a huge advantage over our competition.

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Dominic Wallington
Senior Portfolio Manager & Head of European Equities
RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited

Dominic Wallington:
There's lots of infrastructure contained within GAM that’s outside of London as well, and especially in Toronto, that we utilize on a daily basis. So, we have all the tools that are necessary I think to do the job effectively and we are part of a bigger, very strong franchise.

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Ron Homer
Chief Strategist, U.S. Impact Investing & President, Access Capital Community Investment Fund
RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc.

Ron Homer:
I’d say the global part is important, but I think what is our clients’ comfort is the reputation of RBC. It’s not only being global, but one of really caring about its reputation and serving its clients in a way that’s responsible and caring.

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Stu Kedwell
Senior Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager, Co-Head of North American Equities
RBC Global Asset Management Inc.

Stu Kedwell:
The brand of RBC is spectacular, the trust and the advice that come with the brand are a huge asset. You know, for our group in particular, what I think the Royal Bank means is a commitment to resources, a commitment to process. You know, just always wanting to be on the cutting edge of what’s going on in asset management and having the resources to do it.

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Daniel E. Chornous
Chief Investment Officer
RBC Global Asset Management Inc.

Daniel Chornous:
The distribution capability and the quality of the distribution capability in the retail system is really quite awesome and, we would not have grown at anywhere near this pace, even with the same investment performance that we’re so proud of, without that distribution capability.

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Damon Williams
Chief Executive Officer
RBC Global Asset Management Inc.

Damon Williams:
RBC provides a reputational strength and a financial strength that helps make us a better asset manager. The RBC brand is highly respected. It’s highly recognizable. I’ve always said that GAM is made stronger by being part of RBC. We have the risk infrastructure at RBC, we’ve got the financial strength, we’ve got the access to capital. All of those kinds of things help make us a better asset manager by being part of RBC than we would be on our own.

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RBC GAM is the asset management division of Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) which includes RBC Global Asset Management Inc. (RBC GAM Inc.), RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc., RBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited, RBC Global Asset Management (Asia) Limited, and BlueBay Asset Management LLP, which are separate, but affiliated subsidiaries of RBC.

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